Jill Loftus, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Jill Loftus, MS, OTR/L is a practicing pediatric occupational therapist focused on enabling and empowering children and families. Her 25 year career working in schools, homes, clinics and in the community has spurred her passion for providing child development education in a meaningful and creative way.
Jill uses evidence based practice and techniques to evaluate and treat a wide range of diagnosis. She provides individualized and small group therapy sessions and parent and educator consultations and workshops. Her areas of focus include reflex integration, emotional regulation, sensory processing, motor skills and coordination and child/family education and resources.
Jill enjoys spending time with her husband and friends, checking out the local music scene, enjoying the Colorado outdoors, and traveling around the world.
Jill uses evidence based practice and techniques to evaluate and treat a wide range of diagnosis. She provides individualized and small group therapy sessions and parent and educator consultations and workshops. Her areas of focus include reflex integration, emotional regulation, sensory processing, motor skills and coordination and child/family education and resources.
Jill enjoys spending time with her husband and friends, checking out the local music scene, enjoying the Colorado outdoors, and traveling around the world.
- Move, Play, Thrive Primitive Reflex Training Therapeutic Listening: Listening with the Whole Body
- Interactive Metronome
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Vision 101 for school based OT practitioners
- Executive Function, ADHD and Stress in the Classroom
- Astronaut Training: A Sound Activated Vestibular-Visual Protocol
- Integrating Neurodevelopmental Treatment, Sensory Integration, and Motor Learning Perspectives in Pediatrics
- AOTA Fieldwork Educator